I use frequently tablet for my concept maps (mind maps). For me is the basic of every structure.
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Concept Maps last edited by MaryAnne Nestor 7 years ago
According to Jonassen, D., Howland, J., & Marra, R., “Building models using different computer-based modeling tools is perhaps the most conceptually engaging classroom activity possible that has the greatest potential for engaging and encouraging conceptual change processes.” (2011, Kindle Location 4564). The assumption is that if the student can’t model it, they don’t know it. Modeling may be created using concept mapping, spreadsheets, and databases, among others. When students use the computer "to model phenomena, students are teaching the computer, rather than the computer teaching the student.” (Jonassen, et al., 2011, Kindle Location 4601) Students cannot use concept mapping without deep thinking about the content. In other words, the user has to think harder about the content than how to use the computer to render the content.
Concept Mapping (Jonassen, 2006) helps students comprehend and remember what they are learning. Should the model be of systems and how they are integrated together, then it helps the student understand how the information is tied together. In addition, if the students compare their concept maps with other students they can see how others represent the same ideas, for deeper thinking. Working together on concept maps are also useful because this gives the learners a reason to reflect on knowledge in association with ideas presented by the others in the group.
A concept map is composed of nodes (or concepts and ideas) that are connected by links which are propositions or relationships. In software programs the nodes are represented by blocks and the links are represented by lines. According to Jonassen, et al., (2011) the ability to describe the links is the most important intellectual requirement and that concept mapping software without this ability is not useful. “The more exact and descriptive these links are, the better the map is.” (Jonassen, et al., 2011) For this reason, Jonassen, et al. do not think that adding graphics, etc. is prudent. It’s easy to get carried away with the graphics and give less importance to the links.
The following image is a great model to structure texts.